Fill You In Soon

Some may have seen a rather distressed tweet from me recently. I am not going to lie there is something going on. But I don’t know how to put into words something I do not fully understand yet. I am going to talk with someone in the next week hopefully, and I have been shown more support than I could have expected. Thank you to everyone that has reached out and spoken to a very confused me on the phone over the past couple of hours. Thank you for the hugs, words of wisdom, and listening ears I am truly blessed and I know that.

This is not meant to be alarming. I am not falling to an eating disorder again, this honestly has less to do with that and more to do with some lingering anxiety and other normal 20 something year old life problems. I am still living and enjoying many pieces of my life. There are new things occurring even as we speak (Read: classes are starting, I just met with my professor- I am going to start researching at VT! and I am discovering new things I love every day). But I still need to tackle a few things. I am looking forward to having the time to sit down and write my thoughts. I know it will help me to process and I also hope it will bring insight into reader’s lives if they need it.



Just be patient with me. I tend to make myself busy really fast in the school year and end up barely having time to read blogs, much less write one of my own. But I am going to make time. Because over break this has been such an amazing release and way to express my thoughts. Plus I know I am going to learn so much this Spring that I have to share with the world!

I’ll be back sooner rather than later (read hopefully this week!). But first I need to get into the swing of things again!