Discovering the True Meaning of Christmas

I hope everyone had an awesome Christmas! I can honestly say that this has been the best of my life. You hear from a young age how Christmas is not about the presents. Whether you are religious or not, Christmas is about family, love, and joy. And if you are Christian then Christmas is also a day to celebrate the glorious birth of Christ.

I have always known Christmas was more than the presents, but that never stopped me from focusing all too much on them. Always disappointed as the last one was ripped open, and never grateful enough for all I received. Christmas was about the presents no matter how much I tried to deny it. And then Christmas and all holidays became about food. All of my focus was devoted to how and what my family would eat on the holiday. OK great that I stopped caring so much about the presents, but replacing it with food was no better.

My dog Mr. George ready for his bone; Me with my  new coffee maker and Archer Farm's Gingerbread Toffee; My kitty Cody ready for his new water fountain

My dog Mr. George ready for his bone; Me with my new coffee maker and Archer Farm’s Gingerbread Toffee; My kitty Cody ready for his new water fountain

But since entering college, Christmas has become special. Not for the presents or the food. I honestly don’t focus on those parts of the day unless it is time to open gifts or it is time to sit down as a family and share a meal together. But otherwise, Christmas for me is about the day I get with both of my parents. Sharing jokes and jabs at each other, laughing, a lack of mother daughter fighting (yeah we used to fight every holiday… Sorry mom I was a brat), and a nice, pressure free day.

For the first time in all of my Christmases I saw this holiday for everything it is supposed to be. I am so grateful for the holiday I was able to spend with my mom and dad, enjoying a small family Christmas that I have come to love so much.

Dad had the idea of going on a little jog after opening presents. Awesome idea! I loved every minute of it

Dad had the idea of going on a little jog after opening presents. Awesome idea! I loved every minute of it

Now I am continuing my Christmas by going to Snowball Camp! Where I will be cooking meals and sharing the love of Christ with a few munchkins this holiday season!