Real Life Realizations

It is official I am growing up.

First glass of wine at a family holiday meal #21

All afternoon as our amazing Thanksgiving dinner was cooking I was planning a blog post highlighting a bunch of firsts. Mashed rutabagas, brussels sprouts for the whole family (not just me), stuffing, organic turkey, wine, no exercise… The list goes on. I took a ton of pictures and the post was going to have a ton of food porn for everyone drool over.

And then I realized on my walk with my mom (with a little help from that wine I do believe) that who cares what my family had to eat! Not you! I am hoping that you all had amazing Thanksgivings (or just days if you don’t celebrate it or are not American). I hope your daily eats were wonderful like mine. But honestly do you really want to look at pictures of the food I ate? It’s already digested, or in the fridge as leftovers, or in the awesome soup we made last night. You can’t have it and my guess is you wouldn’t trade your special Thanksgiving for mine.

What I do want to share are the special moments. The happiness I want to remember from this holiday with my mom and dad.

Organic turkey ready for the grill!

I will keep mentioning this turkey. It was my first in 4 years. And my parents were awesome enough to purchase it for me from Whole Foods. Forever grateful for two understanding and loving parents.

Peeling Rutabagas!

Nothing special right? Well these were supposed to be parsnips and I made a woopsie purchase! Wait I am a dietetic student right? Yeah well my forte is metabolism not vegetable varieties! FYI mashed rutabagas are great!

Blurry because I am hard at work tearing the bread into “bite-size pieces”

Our first gravy boat! Every year we remark that we need a gravy boat and then proceed to pour our gravy into some other dish. This year mom and I bought one especially for Thanksgiving, isn’t it pretty! 😀

Awesome dad knows how to grill a turkey let me tell ya!

Roasted maple butternut squash

I know I said no food porn, but since my mom won’t take any pictures this is the best I can get! This is her contribution to the meal and it is my absolute favorite part! It was the only non new part to our meal (well except for the canned cranberries and rolls) and I love her for making it so well every year! Love you mom!

Wait I don’t get turkey???

Our dog Mr. George. Yes he did get turkey don’t worry!

“There is a method”

Dad doesn’t have ice cream with his pie. Always cheddar cheese. He was showing me the method on how to eat it correctly when I snapped this picture. I wish I had a video. Love you daddy!

This doesn’t even begin to describe my Thanksgiving. Nothing could. But for the first time ever I feel free of worry about school, upcoming exams, and the holidays. The holidays have always been good but not great do to the fact that my family butts heads and my mom and I used to fight a lot. There were tears and screams and immaturity on my part. But every year I am amazed at how different our holidays have become. We work together, have learned to deal with and embrace each others little annoying quirks, and it has led us to really enjoy our time together I do believe. For me as I get older the holidays have become more meaningful and enjoyable. I realize now that Thanksgiving may be centered around a meal, but what makes it special are the laughable moments, the smiles, the jabs from dad, the walks with mom, and the love that my parents have for me. This time is special and for that I am forever grateful.

I am Black Friday shopping with my mom this morning! It is our tradition whether we need anything or not! It is fun and we get to say we did it!