Fun(ish) Facts

I don’t know how FUN these are…

But thanks to this girl I was nominated for…



  1. Write 11 random facts about yourself
  2. Answer the 11 questions given by the blogger who nominated you
  3. Create 11 new questions
  4. Nominate 11 bloggers and mention them in the post
  5. Thank the blogger who nominated you and tell the bloggers you’ve nominated

And Begin!

    • The first thing you should know about me is I eat an apple everyday. It is beautiful and large and either red or green depending on the day. I alternate.
    • I have had an obsession with patterns since I first learned about them in kindergarten. I kid you not I cam home and exclaimed “Mom we learned about patternens!” (I had bad pronunciation- I was also 5). And so began my efforts to incorporate a pattern into everything I do. School work, workouts, meals you name it I pattern it

Source: via Melanie on Pinterest

  • I am also very superstitious. Especially when it comes to things like tests in school. Before everymetabolic exam this semester I had a sweet potato in an almond butter jar and a banana. Never a PB jar that might mess up my mojo. must have given me something (like confidence and assurity?) Because I got a 100 on all 3 exams this semester.


  • There is a strong possibility that I went to elementary school with Robert Griffin III. No joke. And I take that as a sign that Baylor may be my dream internship. So RGIII if your for some random reason reading this please put in a good word for me!
  • I currently have an obsession with this nut butter. It is awesome. But it is also $16… yeah I guess it will be awhile until I get it again.100_1565
  • I got an iPhone. I have no clue about anything iPhone related and could use some tips! Also anyone have tips on how to avoid the technology pull because I really do need to make sure my phone is not a complete distraction from the real world. #technologycannotreplacepeople
    • I sleep in a twin bed and would not have it any other way. Seriously the big beds are too much. I am little and don’t need to stretch out. I always say its just another reason it’s not in the cards for me to have a relationship yet. #singlegirlproblems

Source: Uploaded by user via Alyson on Pinterest

  • This year I have tried so many things I used to shun like the plague. Pinterest (yeah I’m sorry but before I saw it for was it really was… #awesome I thought it was such a waste of time), running (I change what sweat type of exercise I like yearly it seems), alcohol (21!), coffee (addicted now), and spur of the moment hangout sessions with new friends! Pretty proud of the progress I have made since last year when I was a total dorm room study hermit.

Source: via Sharla on Pinterest

  • Pretty sure I was born in the wrong century. Could you put me in the world of Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn? I would have fit in perfectly I do believe. Women is dresses, dancing, and making mischievous agendas to get what they want? Yup that’s me.
  • I am a beach girl and find it depressing that the winter = paleness. I used to go tanning all through high school and the first 2 years of college. But my chances of skin cancer are already high (a couple 2nd to almost 3rd degree burns from the sun will do that) and I have no time. So pale it is. #learntoloveit
  • I would have never guessed two years ago how much I would change in college. Virginia Tech has helped me to grow into a person I am becoming pretty proud of if I don’t say so myself. My school and community in the land of Hokies is amazing. I am so happy I can always answer the question “What’s a Hokie?” with I AM!

Time for Caitlin’s Questions!

1.) What is your favorite color? Green! I love it, and wish everything in my kitchen could be green.
2.) What is your favorite baked good or dessert? Big muffins! not the dinky breakfast variety, large muffins people! Or I really like pie. Apple pie to be the most detailed as possible.
3.) What is your favorite sport? I don’t play sports but I will never turn down a good football game in Lane Stadium. GO HOKIES! Seriously though I didn’t like football before coming to VT now I cannot get enough
4.) Do you enjoy reading? If so, what? YES! All types of books really. Right now I am reading a historical romance novel with no purpose except for I like the story. But I want to watch Anna Karenina and the rest of Game of Thrones next. Although HP will forever have my heart.
5.) What do you want to do with your life? This changes A LOT. but I think I figured out I want to get my RD and then go on for a PhD in metabolic nutrition. But I also want a husband who loves me, children to care for, and a happy life surrounded by friends and my family
6.) Do you have a hero or role model? Who? So many but to name a few, my mom, this girl, my best friend Rebekah, my daddy.
7.) What is your favorite number? I have a fascination with the number 3. and 13. I like things to end with 3 and think important things happen on the 13th
8.) Where is the craziest place you’ve traveled? I don’t know if it is crazy but I went to Europe this summer and it was the best trip of my life. I will never forget it and wish I could relive every moment of it.
9.) Did you go to college? Where? I go to VIRGINIA TECH. I love my school. It actually wasn’t my first choice but ended up being the only school that has the degree plan I chose. Everything does sometimes happen for a reason.
10.) What is your favorite cereal? I actually don’t eat a lot of cereal. I overdid it as a child. But Wheaties will always hold a place in my heart.
11.) What is your favorite way to pass some free time and/or relieve stress? What free time? haha kidding. I really like to bake. It keeps my hands busy and my mind relaxed. But if I baked every time I was stress my house would be covered in baked goods. hmmm not very conducive to studying. So I normally take a bath and read a magazine.
So I have no idea who has done this already. I honestly thing everyone on my small reader has but if the follow people haven’t DO IT! Here are my questions for Caffeinated Runner- Kailey/Twin, Fueled by LOLZ- Hollie, and Chocolate Tea Time- Irina
  1. Do you have any pets? What kinds?
  2. What was your favorite birthday present?
  3. Do you have a favorite subject in school? What is it?
  4. Do you have any superstitions?
  5. What is your favorite food?
  6. Would you rather be hot or cold?
  7. What is your exercise of choice?
  8. Favorite restaurant?
  9. What TV shows are you currently loving?
  10. What is your favorite vacation you have ever taken?
  11. If you could be/do anything in life what would it be?

8 thoughts on “Fun(ish) Facts

  1. Yay!! I’m happy you did this 🙂 I love learning more about friends! I am the same way with trying Pinterest and really getting into running this year! I am totally superstitious, too…oh, and I would LOVE to go back to the time of Henry VIII for a little…the Boleyn family has always fascinated me…read tons of books about them because I can’t believe that one man shaped history so extremely!

  2. I love reading these about you, an apple to start your day – very cool. I also am super superstitious. I used to sleep with the books of the test/notes under my pillow before a big test every single time from high school through college. Yep…

  3. We are so similar it’s crazy! I love learning about my blends 🙂 apples every day, twin beds, obsessive patterns. All me. Very cool, now we need to be real life bffs 🙂

  4. Thanks for the nomination! You and I are so similar it’s crazy 🙂 I am insanely superstitious…there are way too many old Russian superstitions that I still follow to this day. My major one is “spitting” over my shoulder and knocking on wood 3 times. Oh and I will teach you the iPhone ways…beware though because it’s the most addictive thing you will own. By the way, you must share that sweet-potato-in-a-jar recipe! I really want to try it.

    Happy New Year, love 🙂

    • The sweet potato in a jar recipe is coming at you ASAP!!! I have the pictures all ready I just need to bust out the post 😀 Happy New Year! It is going to be such an awesome one!!! O and teach me the iPhone ways! I am still so lost. I can text and facebook and twitter. That is all

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